Here are a few SubjectWell case studies. For a more specific case study request, 
please contact Jeremy Westfall.

Guided Recruitment

“The SubjectWell team helped manage our heavy
 influx of referrals with hands-on assistance for our web portal. So many referrals randomized that recruitment ended six months earlier than we anticipated.”
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– Low Testosterone Study
“The study initially had a difficult time recruiting adolescent and child patients, but SubjectWell delivered over 40 randomizations in less than six months, including the entire winter holiday season.”
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– Child Eczema Study
“Even after extending a contract for 150% more randomizations, SubjectWell brought in such a high volume of referrals that the Sponsor team agreed to cover 5 more randomizations.”
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– Overactive Bladder Study
“After SubjectWell’s trial management team updated 
the screener to clarify the patient’s symptoms and condition, the site screening pass rate improved by 20%.”
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– Sciatica Study
The study team lauded SubjectWell as a “tremendous help” in bringing in new patients and saw a surge of randomizations after onboarding. After just six months of recruitment efforts, SubjectWell delivered a quarter of the sponsor’s total enrollment.
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- Autism Study
While the original contract sought 20 randomizations, recruiting efforts were so effective that the sponsor extended the contract twice. SubjectWell delivered 25% of all randomizations, helping reach LPI one month early.
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- Contact Dermatitis Study
SubjectWell brought in over 500 referrals per month delivering 27% of all randomizations for the trial. In the end, SubjectWell made a significant contribution to the sponsor’s total enrollment, ultimately helping reach LPI in 10 months.
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- DPNP Study
SubjectWell has recruited for over 40 lupus trials, and currently has around 15% of US CLE patients registered in our marketplace.
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- Lupus Study
SubjectWell’s quick success sending qualified referrals to the first study led to our inclusion as a recruiting partner for the related second study and a total of 164 ADHD randomizations.
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- ADHD Study
Upon fulfilling the initial 10 randomizations, the sponsor opted to extend the contract, with SubjectWell contributing an additional 17 randomizations. In the end, SubjectWell delivered over a third of the sponsor’s total enrollment, ultimately reaching LPI just seven months later.
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- Asthma Study
SubjectWell found that 15% of patients were failing the site phone screen due to contraindicated bilateral shoulder pain. With IRB approval, SubjectWell’s trial management updated the screener to more accurately filter for unilateral shoulder pain and clarified exclusion criteria for our recruiters.
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- Adhesive Capsulitis Study
SubjectWell was brought in as a rescue partner and randomized 67 patients in significantly less time and for a fraction of the money. The CRO terminated the other recruiting vendors after SubjectWell’s success with the initial contract.
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- NASH Study
After two months, SubjectWell’s original contract for 10 randomizations was extended to 45 total patients. With recruiting success established, the sponsor increased the total number of trial subjects from 120 to 150 patients. By trial close, SubjectWell was responsible for almost 30% of randomizations.
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- Parkinsons Study
SubjectWell has a successful track record recruiting patients to vaccine trials for 10 vaccine types, including: COVID-19, RSV, Meningitis, Flu, Chikungunya, Hepatitis, Dengue, Botulinum, C. Diff, Pneumonia
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- Vaccine Trials Study

Virtual Waiting Room

“Interested patients were placed in the VWR, checking for symptom recurrence and referring qualified patients to the study...ultimately delivering nearly a third of all randomizations and keeping the recruiting period well under a year.”
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- Virtual Waiting Room Study

Recruitment Agency

“In less than a year, SubjectWell pre-screened over 12,000 patients resulting in 201 randomizations. By cross-screening across multiple US trials, pre-screened patient cost was reduced by 34%.”
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– Global Diabetes Study
“SubjectWell designed a digital recruitment solution with localized outreach in the US, Japan, Germany, 
and Austria, addressing complex global data privacy requirements, and ultimately driving 520+ pre-screened patients and 22 randomizations.”
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– Rare Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Study
SubjectWell utilized our Healthcare Professional (HCP) program to reach qualified patients through diagnosing doctors. Over two years, SubjectWell contacted over 14,000 ophthalmologists, optometrists, and geneticists. The 200 HCP referrals were 68% more likely to pass secondary screening than self-selected referrals (sourced without HCPs).
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- HCP Referral Study
A top 5 pharmaceutical company partnered with SubjectWell to provide US-based patient recruitment and site support services for their phase II Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) clinical study. SubjectWell delivered digital recruitment support leveraging an HS platform website, online pre-screening, call center screening, and site recruitment support services.
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- Rare HI Study
In 12 months, SubjectWell generated over 21,000 patient inquiries, which converted at high rates through online pre-screening (27%) and randomization (5.2%). Ultimately, SubjectWell delivered 300 randomizations for the sponsor or 75% of the entire enrollment target.
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- Acne Study

Direct Connect

PatientCentra, a patient recruitment ad agency, partnered with SubjectWell and leveraged the higher quality Direct Connect traffic, reaching their recruitment goal with 118 consented patients in just three months.
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- Cardiovascular Study

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